HPC in Patient-Centric Fusion of Highly Dimensional Bio-Medical Data


Professor Natasa Przulj is an ICREA Research Professor and a Group Leader at Barcelona Supercomputing Center. She is a leader in network science and AI algorithms for biomedical data fusion applied to precision medicine. Her research has been cited over 10,400 times, h-index=46, i10-index=70 (Google Scholar) and supported by over €15 million in competitive funding. Notably, she received three prestigious, single PI, European Research Council (ERC) grants: Consolidator (2018-2024), Proof of Concept (2020-2022) and Starting (2012-2017).

She has been elected into: The Serbian Royal Academy of Scientists and Artists in 2019; Academia Europaea, The Academy of Europe, in 2017; Fellow of the British Computer Society (BCS) Academy of Computing, in 2013; Scientific Advisor (Naučni Savetnik) of the Mathematics Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti, SANU), in 2012. In 2014, she received a BCS Roger Needham Award, sponsored by Microsoft Research, in recognition of the potential her research has to revolutionize health and pharmaceutics. She obtained a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Toronto.

Invited Speaker:
Natasa Przulj
