Title: "Centro para la Sociedad Digital de la Universidad de Guadalajara".
Yolanda Martínez has more than 17 years of leading digital transformation initiatives and currently collaborates with different international organizations helping governments implement their Digital Agendas. In the international arena, Yolanda led the Office of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in Chile, has collaborated with various United Nations agencies such as UNDP, UNDESA, participated as OECD peer reviewer for the Digital Government Strategies of various Latin American countries, and as Honorary Advisory Board Member for the Digital Strategy of El Salvador, and the Arab Digital Strategy. In the Public Sector, Yolanda led the National Digital Strategy of Mexico, the Digital Government Unit at the Federal level, and the Zapopan Digital City Program at the local level. She has led several digital transformation initiatives in the private sector as Strategy and Operations Manager at Deloitte Consulting. Yolanda has been recognized by @political as one of the 20 most influential people globally in Digital Government.
Yolanda has a degree in Information Systems from the University of Guadalajara (UdeG), a Master's degree in Public Policy from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), and a Ph.D. in Information and Knowledge Society at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). She collaborates with the University of Guadalajara as Program Lead for the Center on Knowledge and Information Society.