Opening ceremony




  • Gustavo Padilla Montes
    Rector of Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas - CUCEA - University of Guadalajara 
    Vicepresident CARLA 2021
  • María Guadalupe Cid Escobedo
    General Coordinator of Administrative Services e Technologic Infrastructure - CGSAIT - University of Guadalajara 
  • Carla Ostoff
    Coordinator of  National High Performance  Programming Center  (CENAPAD) , High Performance Processing Service (SEPAD) and member from the Santos Dumont Supercomputer Steering Committee from  National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC) - (Brazil)
  • Isidoro Gitler
    Director of 
    ABACUS - Laboratorio de Matemática Aplicada y Cómputo de Alto Rendimiento del CINVESTAV.
    President of CARLA 2021


Master of Ceremony:
Salma Jalife - 
Presidenta del Centro México Digital