Jessica Dagostini

Jessica Dagostini

Jessica Dagostini

Jessica is a Master's Student at UFRGS in Brazil, advised by Prof. Dr. Lucas Mello Schnorr, working on the Parallel and Distributed Processing Group. She has a Bachelor in Computer Science from the Universidade Regional Integrada, also in Brazil, with Summa Cum Laude (9.39/10). Her research interests are related to improving parallel applications regarding distribution, scaling, and load balancing. She was one of the 26 selected students among more than 559 candidates from all over Latin America to participate in a summer internship promoted by the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials in 2019. During the internship, she developed a GPU-based parallel code, written in CUDA, to help in the image recovery process of the beamline of the newest synchrotron source in the laboratory, Sirius, at LNLS. She is co-founder and member of the Women in HPC Affiliate - South Brazil and a member of the URI Online Judge team.