Karen Salomé Caballero Mora

Karen Salomé Caballero Mora

Karen Salomé Caballero Mora

Latin American Women on HPC

Born in Mexico City, she studied Physics at the Faculty of Sciences at UNAM. When she finished, she studied for a Doctorate in Natural Sciences, with a specialty in Astroparticles at the Technological Institute of Karslruhe, Germany, with an investigation on the composition of ultra-energetic cosmic rays. Later, she did a postdoctoral stay at Pennsylvania State University, United States of America, working on the IceCube experiment, studying neutrinos from the cosmos. In her second postdoctoral stay, she carried out studies on sloping showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Back in Mexico, for his third postdoctoral stay, at CINVESTAV Zacatenco, he joined the HAWC experiment, in which he has carried out various analyzes, referring to cosmic rays, gamma rays, search for new sources of gamma rays in the galactic plane, and dark matter.

She joined the Faculty of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics of the Autonomous University of Chiapas in 2014, where she has also worked on the MATHUSLA (CERN) proposal, and on the LAGO and Escaramujo experiments. As part of her work, it is necessary to have High Performance Computing, for which she has been strongly involved in the process of creating the Regional Laboratory for High Performance Computing, LARCAD, of UNACH. She currently has several scientific and academic management positions (director of the FCFM, and President of the DPyC (Division of Particles and Fields) of the SMF (Mexican Society of Physics)). In 2014 she was one of the winners of the "For Women in Science" award from L'ÓREAL, AMC, CONALMEX.