Lucia Drummond

Lucia Drummond

Lucia Drummond

Computational Costs of Cloud Computing: Challenges and Solutions in High-Performance Computing

Drummond has been working in the field of parallel and distributed computing for many years. More recently, she has been investigating issues related to the modeling and design of task scheduling and resource dimensioning strategies in computational clouds. She graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics- Informatics from the State University of Rio de Janeiro in 1987, completed her Master's Degree in Systems and Computer Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 1990, when she participated in the development team of the first parallel computer at UFRJ, Brazil. She completed a doctorate in Systems and Computer Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 1994, and the main article of her thesis obtained a Prize for stimulating research granted by the Ministry of Science and Technology and Compaq Company, organized by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

She is currently a Full Professor at Fluminense Federal University, Brazil, and her current research interest is in high-performance computing in clouds. Particularly, in this topic, in the last five years, she has supervised 3 Ph.D. Thesis, and has published more than 20 papers. She is a CNPq Level 1 Researcher, a Brazilian research agency, having more than 100 publications in conferences and journals. She is the coordinator of Stricto Sensu Pos-Graduate Programs at Fluminense Federal University and coordinator of the Special Commission on Computer Architecture and High-Performance Processing of the Brazilian Computer Society. She is currently also the coordinator of an International Project sponsored by CAPES, a Brazilian research agency, in collaboration with several foreign universities, including cooperation for joint supervision with double Ph. D. degree with Sorbonne University, in France. She was Program Chair of SBAC PAD 2016 and 2020 conferences.