Luis Lamb

Luis Lamb

Title: From Learning to Reasoning in Neurosymbolic AI

Abstract: Neurosymbolic AI aims to bring together the statistical nature of machine learning and the logical essence of reasoning in AI systems. Recently, leading technology companies and research groups have put forward agendas for the development of the field, as modern AI systems require sound reasoning and improved explainability. In this talk, we highlight Neurosymbolic AI research results that led to applications and novel developments towards building richer AI systems. We summarize how the field evolved over the years and how it can potentially contribute to improved explainability and the effective integration of learning and reasoning in robust AI.

Bio: Luis Lamb is Professor of Computer Science and AI at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil. He holds a PhD from Imperial College, London and is currently at the MIT Sloan Fellows MBA Program, class of 2023. Lamb has been an AI, innovation, and technology researcher for over 20 years. He has been a pioneer of Neurosymbolic AI research, having co-authored a seminal book in the field, publishing at flagship venues, and spoken widely about the perspectives of AI and innovation in academia, industry, and government. Lamb was Vice President for Research at UFRGS University from 2016 to 2018, Dean of the Institute of Informatics (2011-2016), and Vice Dean from 2006 to 2011. Lamb co-led the Alliance for Innovation between the state's capital three largest univesities (UFRGS, PUCRS, and Unisinos) in the 1.5 million Porto Alegre city, and managed a successful strategy for innovation ecosystem implementation in the state's capital. He was then invited to create a new state department for innovation, science, and technology. As state secretary, he led a large-scale innovation, science, and technology strategy in 11.5 million people State of Rio Grande do Sul for the period 2019-2022. The policies supported and funded regional innovation ecosystem projects across the cities of the state territory. As a result, the state was ranked first in innovation by an independent study by the Center for Public Leadership (CLP) in 2022.