Panel - Latin American HPC

Title: HPC Ecosystem in Latin America: initiatives, opportunities, and challenges

In the richest countries — primarily the US, Europe, Japan and China — high-performance computing (HPC) is well-funded and researchers in these countries have access to computing resources on a scale not available in the rest of the world. Latin America presents a similar uneven distribution, with Brazil and Mexico concentrating practically all the appearances in the Top500 list since its first edition in 1993. Still, a significant volume of initiatives related to the HPC area is carried out in the region as a whole, where creative people find ways to do high-impact work, helping their countries and contributing to the global research community. In this panel, which gathers representatives from the industrial and academic sectors, we seek to share the experiences of some of these initiatives with the public to encourage other initiatives in Latin America to achieve similar goals.

  • Adhvan Novais Furtado (SENAI-CIMATEC, Brazil)
  • Carlos Eduardo Pavarina (SiDi, Brazil)
  • Carlos Jaime Barrios Hernández (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia)
  • Isidoro Gitler (ABACUS Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, México)
  • Luiz Rodolpho Rocha Monnerat (Petrobras, Brazil)
  • Pablo Minnini (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Alvaro Coutinho (COPPE/UFRJ, Brazil)
  • Antônio Tadeu Azevedo Gomes (LNCC, Brazil)