Guido Araujo

Guido Araujo

Guido Araujo

HPC Talk: "The OpenMP Cluster Programming Model"

Guido Araujo received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University in 1997. He is a Full Professor of Computer Science and Engineering with UNICAMP. His research interests include code optimization, parallelizing compilers, and compiling for accelerators, explored in close cooperation with industry partners. He has published over 120 scientific papers and received five best paper awards. He was awarded two Inventor of the Year and two Zeferino Vaz Research Awards from UNICAMP. His students received two Best Ph.D. Thesis Awards from the Brazilian Computing Society. He was a member of the technical advisory board of Eldorado and SIDI R&D Institutes and the CI-Brasil Council at the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology. He co-founded the companies Kryptus and Idea! and is currently a member of the Editorial Board of IEEE MICRO.