Paula Verghelet

Paula Verghelet

Paula Verghelet

Latin American Women on HPC

Possible strategies to improve gender equality in STEM: UBA experiences.


PAULA VERGHELET is a Lecturer and Teaching Assistant (Full-time) at the Computer Science Department, Universidad de Buenos Aires. She holds a Licentiate
degree in Computer Science (equivalent to Msc) specialized in distributed systems. JAIIO-SADIO EST 2015 Award for Final Degree Project. Distinguished Student of Universidad de Buenos Aires in 2016. She is author of several contributions in the field of High Performance Computing focused on distribution of resource information.
She is a member of SADIO, WHPC, LA-WHPC Chapter (Latin America High Performance Computing Chapter) y GT 7 (Mujer Latinoamericana en la Computación - CLEI). Departmental representative of the "FCEN Sin Barreras" program of the Secretariat for the Promotion of Equity and Gender (SEQUIGEN) - FCEyN - UBA.



Aware of the dimension of the gender-gap in STEM, many strategies have been developed to reduce it in recent years.

As neither cultures nor education are stranger to these situations, many higher education institutions in Argentina (mainly the Universidad de Buenos Aires) have developed several protocols to avoid violences or discrimination against women, improving conditions for gender equality. 

Thanks to the related legislation in force in Argentina, it is also possible to coordinate between institutions of the Scientific and Technological sector (i.e.: MINCyT - Capacitación Ley Micaela) the deployment of policies that improve the day-to-day life of women dedicated to science and technology.

Bearing in mind the relevance of sharing experiences to enhance cultures, my talk will focus on the efforts and achievements towards gender equality at the UBA.