CARLA 2024


Esteban Meneses

Philippe Navaux

Affiliation: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Country: Brazil

Title: Towards Large Scale and Robust Cyberinfrastructures for Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean


SCALAC is the Advanced Computing System for Latin America and the Caribbean, an alliance of infrastructures, knowledge, and people, allowing the development of the region from shared interests and concerns. The push towards robust cyberinfrastructures in Latin America and the Caribbean represents a significant step forward for the region’s scientific and technological landscape, with an essential impact on productive activities and quality of life. However, there exist challenges to observe: Funding and InvestmentInfrastructure Disparities,  and Policy and Governance Gaps. By addressing the challenges and leveraging the opportunities, Latin America can enhance its global competitiveness and contribute to solving pressing international issues. 
SCALAC contributes to treating these challenges and sees opportunities based on common interests. In this talk, more than the present SCALAC, a status of capabilities in robust infrastructures will be presented (without forgetting the social impact), and an overview and trends observed in the region’s diversity in terms of robust infrastructures will be discussed, taking the state consigned in the white papers and officials reports for the Latin America and the Caribbean region, including capabilities, uses, trends, community involved and perspectives.


Navaux has been a professor at the Institute of Informatics of UFRGS University, Porto Alegre, Brazil, since 1971. He graduated in Electronic Engineering from UFRGS in 1970, Brazil, obtained a Master’s degree in Applied Physics from UFRGS in 1973, Brazil, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from INPG, Grenoble, in 1979, France. He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in Computer Architecture – High-Performance Computing. He leads the Parallel and Distributed Processing Group (GPPD), with projects funded by Brazilian government agencies such as Finep, RNP, CNPq, Capes, and International Cooperation, FP7 and H2020, with groups from Spain, France, Germany, and the United States. He also participates in projects with Microsoft, Intel, HP, DELL, Altus, and Itautec. He has supervised nearly 100 master’s and doctoral theses and has published about 400 articles in journals and conferences. He is a member of SBC, Brazilian Computer Society, SBPC, ACM, and IEEE. He serves as a consultant for various national and international funding organizations such as the DoE (USA), ANR (FR), FINEP, CNPq, CAPES, FAPESP, FAPERGS, FAPEMIG, FACEPE, and others. He was a member of the Superior Council of FAPERGS and the CTC, Scientific and Technical Council, LNCC/MCT. He was the coordinator of the Computer Area Committee of Capes/MEC and a member of the University Council of UFRGS. Currently, he is a member and coordinator of the national scientific committee of CNPq/MCTIC.