CARLA 2024

Carla Osthoff

Affiliation: Universidade do Rio de Janeiro

Country: Brazil

Workshop: Women on HPC


She graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro with a master’s and doctorate in Systems and Computer Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She has been working in the high performance processing area since 1985 initially in hardware development projects for parallel distributed multiprocessors and later as a researcher in Computer Architecture. She is currently a researcher in the area of High-Performance Computing at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC), a professor at the Multidisciplinary Graduate Program at LNCC, coordinates the National Center for High-Performance Processing (CENAPAD), is a member of the Technical Scientific of the Consultative Committee of the Supercomputer Santos Dumont and coordinates the High-Performance Processing Sector of LNCC, which has several collaborative projects in the area of High-Performance Computing.