CARLA 2024

Call for Papers

The Latin American High Performance Computing Conference (CARLA) is the largest scientific gathering in the region for advanced computing, artificial intelligence, and their convergence. The conference program includes keynotes, invited talks from academia and industry, paper presentations, poster sessions (presenting both mature work and new ideas in research), workshops, tutorials, discussion spaces, and more.

CARLA 2024 will feature three exciting tracks: HPC (High-Performance Computing), HPC&AI, and HPC Applications.

All papers accepted for publication will be included in the CARLA 2024 Proceedings, to be published in Springer CCIS Series — Communications in Computer and Information Science. CCIS is abstracted/indexed in Scopus, DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews, and SCImago. The following link contains the list of CCIS volumes for previous editions of the CARLA conference:

Paper submission deadline (extended)
July 15, 2024
Paper author notification (extended)
August 12, 2024

August 26, 2024


September 30 to October 4, 2024

Track #1: High-Performance Computing (HPC)

The use and development of High-Performance Computing in Latin America are steadily growing. The capabilities provided by clusters, grids, and distributed systems promote research and innovation. At the same time, many applications heavily rely on HPC infrastructure. The topics in this track are related to HPC aspects of hardware and software.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Parallel Algorithms
  • Multicore Architectures and Accelerators
  • Parallel Programming Techniques
  • Parallel programming models, runtime systems, and middleware software
  • Parallel computer architectures
  • Grid, Cloud, and Edge Computing
  • HPC Education and Outreach
  • HPC Infrastructure and Datacenters
  • Large-scale Distributed Systems
  • Industrial Computing
  • High-Performance Computing Tools
  • Quantum computing

Track #2: Artificial Intelligence at HPC Scale

In order to solve a large variety of problems in multiple domains, AI needs massive HPC systems to run its algorithms. On the other hand, HPC is finding its way to increase its impact on our society thanks to the multiple existent AI applications. In either case, the complexity of HPC&AI systems often requires the use of HPC to tackle realistic problems where both the amount of data and the number of relationships among data elements could be monumental.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Deep Learning
  • Evolutionary Computing
  • Fuzzy Systems
  • Intelligence and Cybersecurity
  • Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Neural Networks
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Vision
  • Cognitive Systems
  • Data Mining
  • Data Science

Track #3: High-Performance Computing Applications

The HPC-Applications track intends to showcase distinct contributions to advanced computing trends and their applications in the Latin American region. Typical examples can be found in cosmology, particle physics, weather prediction, artificial intelligence, climate modeling, geophysics, molecular biology, molecular dynamics, computational fluid dynamics, nuclear physics, and physical oceanography, among many others. An important goal in this track is to intercede in conforming networks of Latin American research and technological groups towards the development of scientific applications of common interest to our region. Furthermore, it seeks to establish new collaborations and synergies to strengthen the existing links among our scientific communities, in particular with respect to the following general themes: HPC and Energy, HPC and Environmental Concerns, HPC and Life Sciences, and HPC in Science and Engineering. Applications featuring distributed computing, GPU acceleration, cutting-edge ML tools, and related topics are encouraged to submit contributions.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • HPC and Energy
  • HPC and Environmental Concerns
  • HPC and Life Sciences
  • HPC in Science and Engineering
  • Other Important HPC Applications


Contributors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for MSWord, for the preparation of their manuscripts: template Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their articles. To create an ORCID ID please visit

In addition, the corresponding author of an article, acting on behalf of all authors of that article, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form, through which the copyright for their article is transferred to Springer.

• All submissions must be in English, the only official language of the conference.
• Regular articles should not exceed 15 pages (including references).
• Articles must be formatted in the LNCS style of Springer Verlag LNCS style .
• All submission reviews are Single-blind.
• All submitted research articles will be peer-reviewed by at least three expert reviewers.
• Only contributions that have not been submitted elsewhere or currently under review will be considered.
• Only accepted contributions presented at the conference will be included in the proceedings.
• Article submission is handled electronically with Springer’s Online Conference System: OCS.
• All articles accepted for publication will be included in the CARLA 2024 Proceedings, to be published in Springer CCIS Series — Communications in Computer and Information Science. CCIS is abstracted/indexed in Scopus, DBLP, Google Scholar, EI-Compendex, Mathematical Reviews and SCImago. CCIS volumes are also submitted to be included in ISI Proceedings.