Frank Würthwein

Frank Würthwein

Frank Würthwein

Keynote "Towards a National Research Platform that federates all academic Cyberinfrastructure in the USA"

Prof. Wuerthwein pursues research in physics and cyberinfrastructure. His research in physics is focused on fundamental properties of matter, and its interactions. As such, his group analyzes data taken with the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Wuerthwein’s physics focus includes studies of the Higgs and top particles, and searches for new phenomena, with a special focus on studies that might reveal the nature of dark matter. His research in Cyberinfrastructure is focused on distributed High Throughput Computing (dHTC) across commercial cloud and on-prem resources at campuses globally. His dHTC group at the San Diego Supercomputer Center operates global workflow and data infrastructures for open science from individual researchers to global collaborations like CMS, LIGO, and IceCube.