Pedro Vieira Alberto

Pedro Vieira Alberto

Pedro Vieira Alberto

HPC Collaboration between Europe and Latin America

Pedro Alberto is a Physics Professor at Universidade de Coimbra with reasearch interests in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Computational Physics and Physics simulations for teaching.

He has been the head of Laboratório de Computação Avançada da Universidade de Coimbra (UC-LCA) since its inauguration in 2002. He has been involved in several HPC activities, including cluster management and procurement, outreach and dissemination, organization of HPC training events, lecturing advanced computer classes, as well as national and international research projects related to HPC, including RISC projects for HPC collaboration between Europe and Latin America. He has been the coordinator of the Portuguese participation in the European Advanced Computing Infrastructure PRACE since its beginning in 2008 and is the Portuguese delegate to the PRACE Council. He is the task leader for Training and Skills Development within the EuroHPC EuroCC project (Portuguese branch).