CARLA 2024

Kary Ocaña

Affiliation: Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica

Country: Brazil

Workshop: Women on HPC


Kary Ocaña is a Senior Technologist I at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC) under the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations, and Communications (MCTIC). She was recognized as a Young Scientist of the State by FAPERJ (2017-2022) and completed postdoctoral research in Systems and Computing Engineering at COPPE/UFRJ with FAPERJ and CAPES/FAPERJ funding. She holds a Ph.D. (2010) and a Master’s degree (2006) in Cellular and Molecular Biology from FIOCRUZ, and a Bachelor’s
degree (2002) in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from UNMSM, with revalidation by UFRJ (2012).

Her work focuses on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, emphasizing comparative, evolutionary, and functional genomics, phylogenomics, and phylodynamics. Kary develops and applies advanced mathematical methods and computational tools for large-scale biological data analysis. She utilizes High-Performance Computing (HPC) environments, such as the Santos Dumont supercomputer, to conduct complex, integrated analyses that advance research on zoonoses and infectious diseases.