CARLA 2024

Program Chair

Carla Osthoff

Navigating Challenges and Opportunities of AI-driven High Throughput Computing

University: Universidade do Rio de Janeiro

Country: Brasil

She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1983), a Master’s degree in Systems and Computing Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1989), and a Ph.D. in Systems and Computing Engineering from the same institution (2000). Since 1985, she has been involved in the field of high-performance processing, initially in hardware development projects for distributed parallel multiprocessors, and later as a researcher in Computer Architecture. Currently, she serves as a researcher in the area of High-Performance Computing at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC), works as a professor in the Multidisciplinary Graduate Program at the same laboratory, and coordinates the National High-Performance Processing Center (CENAPAD) at LNCC. Additionally, she is a member of the Technical-Scientific Advisory Committee of the Santos Dumont Supercomputer, and leads the High-Performance Processing Sector at LNCC, which hosts several collaborative projects in the field of High-Performance Computing. Her areas of interest include high-performance computing, distributed systems, parallel processing, parallel input/output systems, parallel programming models, and scientific computing.