CARLA 2024

Latin American Women on HPC Workshop Chair

Paola Buitrago

Board Committee


University: Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center

Country: USA

Paola A. Buitrago leads the Artificial Intelligence and Big Data (AIBD) group at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. The AIBD group is focused on advancing and supporting the convergence of High Performance Computing (HPC), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data for open science. Buitrago oversees a set of projects for AI research on emerging hardware and software technologies, enabling development of advanced algorithms and modeling approaches. Buitrago is the PI and Project Director of the NSF-funded Neocortex supercomputer which features innovative AI-specialized hardware. Buitrago also serves as Co-PI and Associate Director for Data Science for the NSF-funded Bridges-2 system and supports PSC’s Big Data-as-a-Service (BDaaS) initiative, through which Internet-scale datasets are being integrated with supercomputing resources for cross-cutting research communities.