CARLA 2024


Monday, September 30 - Morning

Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++

Monday, September 30
Morning: 9:30-13h.
Coffee break: 11 – 11:30h.

🏛️ North Building, 7th Floor, John Von Neumann Room

This tutorial teaches the fundamental tools and techniques for accelerating C/C++ applications to run on massively parallel GPUs with CUDA. You’ll learn

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Introduction to Programming AMD GPUs w/ HIP

Monday, September 30
Morning: 9:30-13h.
Coffee break: 11 – 11:30h.

🏛️ West Building, Floor -1, Room B06

In this tutorial, we will give a hands-on introduction to the Heterogeneous Interface for Portability (HIP) programming model. As the name suggests, HIP is

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Parallel File Systems in HPC – BeeGFS and How to Install

Monday, September 30
Morning: 9:30-13h.
Coffee break: 11 – 11:30h.

🏛️ North Building, 6th Floor, Multimedia Room

Parallel storage is increasingly important for parallel computing. It enables clients to scale their storage volumes and significantly enhance their throughput. BeeGFS is one

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Monday, September 30 - Afternoon

Accelerating Computing Using SYCL Programming for GPUs

Monday, September 30
Afternoon: 14:30-18h
Coffee break: 16 – 16:30h.

🏛️ North Building, 7th Floor, John Von Neumann Room

In this tutorial, we will provide a concise introduction to SYCL, a parallel programming model designed to develop portable C++ code. With

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Simulating quantum algorithms with Q-Team

Monday, September 30
Afternoon: 14:30-18h
Coffee break: 16 – 16:30h.

🏛️ North Building, 6th Floor, Multimedia Room

A brief description of what is quantum computing, why is necessary and which kind of problems can solve, how to make a transition from

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