Panel 2. Public Policies Panel on Network infrastructures HPC and AI Services


Network infrastructures as well as HPC and AI Services radically transform the way in which research and technological development are carried out in any field of knowledge, overcoming the limits imposed by distance to support a growing multitude of virtual research communities throughout the world.

The objective of this panel is to provoke dialogue between different authorities of the Latin American and European region in the fields of Science, Technology and Innovation as well as Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) whose responsibility is the development of public and regulatory policies . We will invite our panelists to share with us those aspects that in their experience have become best practices and successful actions in the construction of policies associated with these infrastructures and services, in the adoption of technology and in the creation of virtual research communities not only national but regional or even global in scope to meet priority needs.

In order to make a prospective reflection, in this dialogue we will seek that our panelists visualize the future of these infrastructures and advanced computing services, taking into consideration that the industry-academia-government link is strengthened in the fourth industrial revolution through innovative models.

Panel Moderator: