Call for Workshops

General Submission Guidelines

CALL FOR WORKSHOPS CARLA 2021Authors should consult Springer's authors' guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for MSWord, for the preparation of their articles: template

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In addition, the corresponding author of an article, acting on behalf of all authors of that article, must complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form, through which the copyright for their article is transferred to Springer.

  • All submissions must be in English, the only official language of the conference.
  • Abstract Submission are available for workshops.
  • Regular articles should not exceed 8 pages (including references).
  • Articles must be formatted in the LNCS style of Springer Verlag  LNCS style (see details at
  • All submitted research articles will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers.
  • Only contributions that are not submitted elsewhere or currently under review will be considered.
  • Only accepted contributions presented at the conference will be included in the proceedings.
  • Article submission is handled electronically with Springer’s Online Conference System: OCS
  • Proposal must be identify in one only workshop.
  • Contribution Submission will be tagged in WS-CARLA2021 Sessions.
  • Please send to the chairs of the selected workshop the title of your contribution, authors and abstract.
  • All articles accepted for publication will be included in the CARLA 2021 Proceedings, to be published in the CARLA2021 Special Edition of Computación y Sistemas: after the camera ready process

Important dates UPDATED

  • Workshops submission EXTENDED deadline: September 17, 2021 (Abstracts)
  • Workshops notification:September 21, 2021
  • Camera-ready version: October 1, 2021
  • Workshops dates. October 4 al 5, 2021
  • Conference dates: October 6 to October 8, 2021



Workshop: Good Practices in HPC Management

Good practices in HPC Management

About the Workshop

This workshop aims at bringing together a CTOs, managers,  admin-responsible and infrastructure, operations and technology  experts and practitioners from centres, academia, laboratories, and industry to discuss technologies, use cases and best practices in order to set a vision and direction for leveraging management high performance, extreme-scale computing and on-demand cloud ecosystems. Topics of interest include tools and technologies enabling scientists for adopting scientific computing applications to HPC, Data Centres, cloud interfaces, interoperability of HPC and cloud resource management and scheduling systems, cloud and HPC storage convergence to allow a high degree of flexibility for users and community platform developers, continuous integration/deployment approaches, reproducibility of scientific workflows in distributed environment, and best practices for support and operation model .

This workshop will cover topics related to interoperability of supercomputing and cloud computing, networking and storage technologies that are being leveraged by use cases and research infrastructure providers with a goal to improve productivity and reproducibility of extreme-scale scientific workflows.


  • Virtualisation for HPC e.g. virtual machines, containers, etc.
  • Storage systems for HPC and cloud technologies.
  • Visualisation as a Service.
  • Analysis, monitoring and performance evaluation, forecasting, scaling and cost efficiencies.
  • Resource management and scheduling systems for HPC and cloud technologies.
  • Software defined infrastructure for high-end computing, storage and networking.
  • Application environment, integration and deployment technologies.
  • Secure, high-speed networking for integrated HPC and cloud ecosystems.
  • Research infrastructure deployment use cases.
  • Isolation and security within shared HPC environments.
  • Best Practices in HPC Management.
  • Operations and Support Interaction with Users.
  • Workflow orchestration using public cloud and HPC data centre resources.
  • Federation, Authentication, authorisation and accounting interoperability for HPC and cloud ecosystems.
  • Workforce development for integrated HPC and cloud environments.
  • Training and Outreach activities.


  • Nicolás Wolovick  (Centro de Computación de Alto Desempeño de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
  • Juan Pablo Dorsch (The Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, Suiza)


Workshop: Women in HPC

Latin American Women on HPC

About the Workshop

This workshop aims to bring together women working on High-Performance Computing and BioInspired Processing, as well as related areas. This space is designed to improve the visibility of Women as role models in this field either working for the industry or the academy and to catalyze the interaction and networking between students, researchers, and professionals.

A special invitation is extended to all those interested in participating in this space, especially University students with a particular interest in Cloud Computing, simulation, bioinformatics, data science, parallel computing, accelerators, machine learning, and how women are developing their work in these areas. Walk-ins will be welcome as the workshop has no fee for participation.


  • Contribution of women in HPC.
  • Cloud Computing.
  • Simulation.
  • Bioinformatics.
  • Data science.
  • Parallel computing.
  • Accelerators.
  • Machine learning.


  • Carla Osthoff (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica, Brasil )
  • María del Carmen Heras Sánchez  (Universidad de Sonora, México)


Workshop: Energy in HPC

Energy and HPC

About the Workshop

The workshop will focus on HPC techniques applied to the energy sector that have the power to improve and reform many industrial sectors.  HPC can provide solutions for the energy sector, for example oil and gas giving solutions in upstream, midstream and downstream problems, improve wind energy performance, solve issues of combustion efficiency for transportation systems, making nuclear systems more efficient and safer, improving solar energy systems, optimizing wind energy systems, improving the quality and efficiency of seismic and geophysical simulations, and so on.

With the appearance in the near future of exascale systems, this opens new opportunities for more complex numerical simulations of energy systems that can represent in a more realistic way the physical system.


  • Oil and gas applications.
  • Oil refining.
  • Seismic and geophysical applications.
  • Wind energy simulations.
  • Nuclear energy simulations.
  • Combustion efficiency for transportation systems.
  • HPC and exascale applications or developments applied to the energy sector.


  • Álvaro Coutinho (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil)
  • Jaime Klapp (Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, México)


Workshop: BioCARLA


About the Workshop

There has been a revolution in the way biology research is driven by the intensive use of computing resources from supercomputers to specialized high-performance environments. New high-throughput laboratory methods such as DNA microarray or Next-generation sequencing (NGS) produce several complex genomic data that describe gene expression levels, protein-protein interactions, and other information about how genes and proteins interact in living cells. They require an HPC vision and direction for leveraging on-demand management HPC bioinformatics systems.

This workshop will cover topics related to the interoperability of supercomputing and bioinformatics technologies that are being leveraged by real use cases and research infrastructure with a goal to improve the performance and efficiency of extreme-scale scientific workflows in several areas of bioinformatics and computational biology.

Emerging requirements from bioinformatics applications supported by HPC technologies offer new opportunities for engagement between the Latinoamerican bioinformatics communities.


  • Foundation and practical application for integrating Bioinformatics and Database sciences
  • Design, implementation, and integration of biological workflow with HPC technologies
  • Computational support of Bioinformatics analyses in parallel and distributed environments
  • Best practices in HPC managements and developments for Bioinformatics
  • Biological big data integration within shared HPC environments
  • Workflow orchestration using supercomputers, grid, and cloud computing environment
  • Analysis, monitoring and performance evaluation of Bioinformatics experiments in HPC environments
  • Training activities applied in Bioinformatics & HPC technologies


  • Francisco Martínez (Universidad de Industrial de Santander, Colombia)
  • Kary Ocaña (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica, Brasil)


Workshop: HPC Collaboration

HPC Collaboration between Europe and Latin America

About the Workshop

For more than 15 years, different projects to build advanced computing platforms and research initiatives have been developed in Latin America with the critical support of different European institutions. Projects as EELA, EELA-2, GISELA, CHAIN, CHAIN-REDS, RISC, HPC4E, RICAP, or ENERXICO and initiatives of collaboration between national partners in France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Spain were paramount for academic and industrial development.

Today, consequences of the collaboration allow proposing and making research, development, and innovation with high impact in the economy in both senses as it can be derived from the Strategic Partnership on HPC with Latin America launched by the European Commission . This achieved growth is also generating new types of collaborations, addressing following key topics such as Education and Outreach, Industrial Partnership, Technical Transference, or Government agreements.

The purpose of this workshop is to offer a space of exchange of experiences aiming the promotion and support of new collaborations across the different countries of Europe and Latin America in the framework of the recently kicked-off project ‘A network for supporting the coordination of High-Performance Computing research between Europe and Latin America’ (RISC2).


  • Latin American and European cooperation
  • High-Performance Computing
  • High Performance Data Analytics
  • High-Performance Artificial Intelligence
  • Advanced academic services (network, provision of resources)


  • Rafael Mayo-García (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, Spain)
  • Ulises Cortés (Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain)


Workshop: America HPC Collaboration

Americas HPC Collaboration

About the Workshop

The first edition of the Americas High Performance Computing (HPC) Collaboration Workshop seeks to showcase collaborations that have resulted from the partnerships formed between researchers and entities across the Americas, from Patagonia to Alaska, including Caribbean institutions. The event will also share opportunities and experiences between HPC Networks and Laboratories from countries in North, Central, South America, and the Caribbean. The goal of this workshop is to highlight the current state of the art in continental collaboration in HPC, and the latest developments of regional collaborative activities.

Scope and Audience

  • Researchers and authors of projects developed within the last (3) three years including at least two institutions from different countries (preference will be given to partnerships between different sub-continents).
  • Researchers must be undergraduate or graduate students, researchers, professors, or professionals from the HPC field.
  • Authors interested in collaboration and mainly in non-profit projects for the Americas interests.


  • Verónica Vergara (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
  • Silvio Rizzi (Argonne National Laboratory, USA)
  • Esteban Meneses (Centro Nacional de Alta Tecnología, Costa Rica)
  • Benjamin Hernández (Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
  • Philippe Navaux (Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil)
  • Carlos J. Barrios (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia)


Advanced Computing Trends

Advanced Computing Trends

About the Workshop

The CARLA2020 workshop on Advanced Computing Trends in Latin America aims to provide a space to share high-quality original research contributions on various aspects of advanced computing, e-science, disruptive computing, applications of HPC and Advanced Computing, quantum computing, large scale and collaborative computing architectures, data-science and HPC trends in the latinoamerican region.

The workshop focuses on Latin America developments, however other contributions are possible to present the different topics: education, HPC/AI applications, Green HPC, applied HPC (smart cities, agricultural, social, culture, healthcare, climate exchange, security), quantum computing, non-von neumann architectures and related topics.


  • Alfredo Santillán (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México)
  • Robinson Rivas-Suarez(Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela)
